The inclusive educator programme
So many educators and teachers are placed at the front line of emotional and psychological support for children and their families. Children are evolving - and so are their needs. There are certain behaviours and emotions that need to be supported in class, outside of a diagnosis or label. This holistic support of children speaks to inclusive education and enabling children with limited self regulation techniques or behaviours to still thrive. Educators do not always have the counselling skills or certification to be able to register with a counselling body and provide this service to those they want to help. We support these individuals by providing a comprehensive 12 week programme which provides for practical preparation and supervision hours which leads to eligibility in registering as a counsellor with the Association of Holistic Counsellors (ASCHP) Council for Counsellors in South Africa (CCSA). We are focused on holistic and wellness interventions and work within a specialist scope of practice. This programme is also utilised to train Wellness Champions within the school system and is perfect for educators, home schooling professionals, parents, tutors, ECD practitioners, principles and school counsellors.

We are proud to offer this initiative aimed at the further development of prospective educators in the area of wellness and inclusive education.
Minimum requirements:
- Bachelor's Degree or higher in Education OR
- Proven record of employment within a school setting
Core Topics to be covered:
1. Ethics & role of educator in wellness
2. Understanding the wellness wheel - communication & terminology, culture and family dynamics
3. Understanding child wellbeing & emotional milestones
4. Understanding emotions & temperaments in children and building resilience
5. Incorporating play led interventions to support mental health & creating psychological safety
6. Behaviour realignment and handling disruptive or extraordinary behaviours
7. Social and relational wellbeing & sensitive communication
8. Self regulation techniques for educators & students
9. Identifying specific needs & ethical referral
10.Self care practices & personal development
We look forward to your journey!